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Pupil Workshops

Think It...Feel It!

Small groups or whole classes can benefit from a series of sessions over a number of weeks to connect their mindset with their emotions - developing emotional intelligence.


  • To develop an awareness of both the Fixed & Growth Mindset

  • To recognise the array of emotions linked to our Fixed & Growth Mindsets

  • To understand and define both pleasant and unpleasant feelings in more detail

  • To use strategies to re-channel unpleasant emotional energy to become more pleasant

  • To focus on changing fixed thoughts by reflecting and changing perspective on situations which changes the feelings felt

Emotional intelligence is not about being nice, it's about managing your emotions to achieve the best possible outcomes.​

Here we offer individuals, small groups or even a particular year group, a more focused, personal experience with regular Growth Mindset and Emotional Intelligence interventions.

Every thought generates an emotional reaction which leads to behaviours. By connecting and becoming mindset aware this series of 6 weekly sessions will inform and equip children and teachers to understand their way of thinking, whilst also connecting with their emotions. Understanding them more, allowing them to clearly communicate their feelings as well as providing strategies to channel unpleasant emotional energy to become more pleasant. Using a variety of hands on activities we guarantee engagement, focus and fun!

We liaise with staff and leave valuable resources for them to continue the work covered in between and after our sessions.

Pupil workshop pricing

These sessions are delivered by a highly skilled teacher with a passion for Growth Mindset. All our sessions are differentiated according to the age range of the group, hands on and fun. They come in a block of 3 afternoon sessions, 1 per week (although we can do more, if you like!)

*We do add travel accommodation where necessary

Here are a few links to some lovely resources to help you keep things bubbling along!

Stories To Tell

Videos To Watch

Songs To Sing

Free Resources

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