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Grow Your Mindset 
It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.

The Grow your Mindset team with experience in both the corporate and education sectors, know that all individuals can develop their mindset to achieve their goals both personally and professionally, through growth mindset training and workshops across the UK.

Grow Your Mindset News.....

Did you know we have 100% ***** Reviews on Google, Trustpilot and Facebook?

Not only that but we often seek feedback from those we work alongside to celebrate our progress and to grow from. 

"I recently had the opportunity to attend a mindset awareness course hosted by Grow Your Mindest that was eye-opening for me.

Liz was very knowledgeable, engaging, and passionate, creating a welcoming and interactive learning environment.

The short course has encouraged me to self-reflect and make a conscious shift in how I perceive challenges and setbacks, leaving me wanting to learn more about mindset and Carol Dweck herself.

I would highly recommend Grow Your Mindset courses to anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the power of mindset which in turn can unlock our full potential.

" ~ Helen Barlow (*****Trust Pilot Review)

Check out our
latest CPD experience for Businesses

Do you struggle fitting in CPD opportunities for staff, your team or colleagues so it only happens at whole day events maybe once or twice a year?


Get in touch as we have a range of opportunities to suite your workplace


Either face to face or remotely to groups, departments or teams of colleagues.


We're so flexible we're almost

double jointed!


Have you sorted your Autumn Term Inset, Twilights or Staff Meetings?


We're busy having conversations with existing and new Head Teachers about their vision for 2024/25.


List your Values, list your objectives, List your pain points and mindset will underpin each and every aspect whether it be SLT Mindset, Teaching Staff Mindset, Children Mindset or Parent Mindset so why not get in touch as we know our training, staff development and children's workshops will help support your vision.


Get your school involved because MINDSET MATTERS!


What's Coming Up?
In Education...

Grow Your Mindset -
2023/24 Award Winners

One thing we always get asked is 'How do you measure growth mindset?'


How do you measure a persons thoughts? Simply you can't, but what you can do is over time observe changes in language, changes in engagement, behaviour, resilience and ultimately results.


"Over the 5 years it has impacted massively on standards. So we're historically a school who performed significantly below the national average and in recent years there has been a shift so as a school in KS2 we are performing above the national average."


~Kelly Watson Head Teacher St Gregory's Primary School

Learning & Education Service Provider
Health & Wellbeing Provider

Highly Commended Business Service Provider.

Grow Your Mindset
The Impact!

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Did you know?

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This Months Focus...


This month you may need to ride the waves, you may get super excited about creating new currents but also be more consciously aware of the feedback you give yourself, because one things for

sure, you'll be listening.


How many of you are self critical and judgemental of yourself, yet when things don't go to plan for someone close to you, you talk with kindness, compassion

and give different perspectives?


Let's get a grip of those unhelpful phrases that become habit, go against

the tide and start flipping the script.


September = Self! Oh and Chocolate!

Image created by the wonderful Lucy Claire Illustrations

Did you know that our training for Educational Settings, Businesses and Organisations is Accredited by

The CPD Service ?

Established in 1996, The CPD Certification Service is the world's leading and largest CPD accreditation service. With over 25 years’ experience, they provide CPD accreditation for organisations and we're super proud to have had all our hard work recognised and valued.




Yes, as well as Blogs we have Vlogs!

Why not take a peek at these plus the wide range of Blogs we have written all around Mindset - in Education, in Business and Personal Growth.

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In Business...

More and more businesses are asking us to bespoke our training to upskill colleagues in an array or mindset facets.


Ashbury Global, WHN Solicitors and People Matters HR have asked us to focus on areas for all their staff relevant to them and their current landscape.


This is your journey and at Grow Your Mindset we make it personal. Interested for your business email us at

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September 2023!

Just like Pick n' Mix there's something sweet for everyone!
Our BRAND NEW Children's Pick n' Mix Workshops aiming to spread more Mindset Magic in schools across the UK. 
Want to know more? Click the link to find out what all the fuss is about.


Educational Hub

Do you want staff who adapt freely to change and deliver the best practise in teaching and learning?

Do you want pupils who are resilient, bounce back from failure and have a love of learning?

What can the GyM Team offer your school?

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Personel Hub

Want to be more motivated and set goals to achieve your dreams?

Do you find yourself procrastinating and putting things off?

Do feel anxious and worried about your life now and the future?

What can the GyM Team offer you?


Corporate Hub

Do you want to improve mental wellbeing and have a driven and focused staff?

Do you want colleagues who work productively together to achieve company goals and stretch themselves to achieve them?

What can the GyM Team offer your business?

Subscribe to Our Site - We'll send you some really great stuff!
Choose your area of interest

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We work with a whole bunch of brilliant people and places

Co-operative Bank
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YewTree primary
St Andrews Teaching School

And some people really like us too!


The audience can be young or old(er) the ladies adapt, inspire, support and deliver through creativity and energy.
Adapting for a corporate environment posed new challenges but living their own philosophy they succeeded. The sign of excellence is in the fact we
are still pursuing our Growth Mindset and it is permeating across the organisation...
Thank you for your support and I look forward to our continued collaboration.

Sally McEvoy - Head of Customer Contact
Cooperative Banking Group PLC

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I've been on a course run by the Grow Your Mindset team and it was superb - interesting, challenging and really moved me on personally and professionally. I have also used them to run training days with my staff in two schools I've worked in and projects with the children in school - all impacting positively on attitudes and behaviour for learning. They're coming in again this year to school and I can't wait for a new class of children to experience the fun, challenge and excitement of a Grow Your Mindset project!


Matt Harding - Headteacher, St Peter’s SD Primary School, Bolton

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Currently nearing the completion of the 'Developing an Effective Leadership Mindset' course with Grow Your Mindset. I have really enjoyed our sessions - Gemma and Liz always bring great enthusiasm, and they keep the entire group engaged. I have found the material extremely insightful - since starting the course I have found myself reflecting increasingly often on how my behaviours and language can influence others in my role as a leader.

Harry Hopwood - Climate Emergency Manager

Westminster Council


The impact of growth mindset at St Gregory's has been massive - we have seen children becoming much more resilient, motivated and more focused on their work. We've seen an impact not just on how children have achieved academically, but how they work socially and with their peers who have high expectations of themselves.

Over the 5 years it has impacted massively on standards. So we're historically a school who performed significantly below the national average and in recent years there has been a shift so as a school in KS2 we are performing above the national average.

Kelly Watson - Headteacher
St Gregory's Primary, Farnworth

Growth Mindset, the foundation for learning.

Growth Mindset is the foundation to all learning, it's true! It's not just some fad or a happy clappy notion. It's based on real research, real science and real case studies from a University professor over in the USA. 
Mindsets have always been there and they are also not going away anytime soon. 
It's no surprise that developing mindsets allows you to become a better learner, a happier person, to be able to make progress and deal with life's difficulties with confidence.
Here at Grow Your Mindset we create training, workshops and courses that are built on psychology, science and our own tried and tested methods, ensuring that you get the maximum results.

Growth Mindset, training and workshops for businesses and organisations.

At Grow Your Mindset we ensure that your business or organisation goes from good to being pretty darn awesome - ensuring sustainability throughout your company, so that it continues to thrive and grow.

Growth Mindset, creating a culture in any educational setting.

We work with your headteacher, your office staff, the dinner lady, the GSCE student, the A-Level taker and the tiny EYFS child stood at the sand pit to create a whole culture of positive mindsets, whatever your educational setting.
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